Ranch blog
Apr 15, 2010 Grace is born
Apr 08, 2010 Gregorio is born
Feb 25, 2010 We're putting up fences!
Dec 08, 2009 BBBRRRRRRRRR-It's 11 degrees below!!
Everybody's in!! They do get out for a little while during the day.....It's supposed to be warming up in 2 days....Depending on what weather station you view, there may or may not be a huge storm Thursday night.
Our filly Welmoed was in surgery for a sand impaction. She's doing great. Our mare Icke is being seen by an ophthalmologist ...She had an ulcer on her way over from Holland and it flares up every once in a while. They're going to try to cure it once and for all.
My dog, Archie, LOVES kissing the horses....most of them kiss back...too cute! We were hoping to get our frost free wateres in before the storm, but didn't make it. The trenching and piping is in...but, with the horses in the barns, not a problem!
Is Christmas really only 3 weeks away!!
Dec 01, 2009 Getting ready for winter
Oct 13, 2009 Keurings and shows!
Whew! Busy, busy time.
Arjen and Mathijs have collected enough points to go to CDS championships. I have to get the scores out and post them, but we did real well.
We go to two keurings, because we have so many horses. We are very excited with our results. Only the top 5% of foals take a first premie....and I haven't heard of a ranch taking Best filly and Best colt in the same keuring. Our babies had a 1st premie rate of 37.5%!! and they received BEST COLT and BEST FILLY at BOTH the Santa Rosa keuring and the Reno keuring! Our gelding Teake, received CHAMPION GELDING!
We're weaning the babies right now....Unfortunately, a bad storm is coming in tonight and they'll have to be brought in the barn. They DO NOT like to be in....I'll have to put stall guards up...Our sweetie colt, Enrico jumped out of his stall in Reno...when his mom was in the stall!! The door was about 4' tall and he didn't have any room to get a running start. I was at the judging ground when someone called me to tell me that they had rounded up my baby and put him back in his stall!! Luckily, he wasn't hurt.
So, anyway moms are doing great..babies are great except once in a while one of them starts calling and the rest follow. We just put them in tonight with pounding rain and high winds... They seem to be very content except for Elysee...and she was the most independent. But she's in with her best friend Diana, so she'll settle down...I'll spend time with them too....Elysee is the sweet puppy dog, hugger!!